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Wealdstone Football Club Media Policy

1. Introduction

Wealdstone Football Club ("the Club") is committed to fostering a professional and controlled media environment that ensures the integrity and performance of our first team and academy teams. This policy outlines the rules governing media access, content creation, and publication to protect the interests and image of the Club.

2. Access to First Team and Academy Teams

2.1 Media Access Approval

• All media representatives must seek prior approval from the Club's Media and Content Executive before attending any first team or academy team training sessions, matches, or events.

• Approval requests must be submitted at least 72 hours in advance via email to

• Approval is granted at the discretion of the Club and may be revoked at any time.


2.2 Identification and Credentials

• Approved media representatives will be issued with official Club media credentials, which must be displayed at all times when on Club premises.

• Media credentials are non-transferable and must be returned to the Club upon request.


2.3 Conduct and Guidelines

• Media representatives must adhere to the designated areas for media during training sessions and matches.

• Interference with training, coaching staff, and players is strictly prohibited.

• Interviews with players and staff must be scheduled through the Media and Content Executive and cannot be conducted spontaneously.


3. Content Creation and Copyright


3.1 Ownership of Content

• All content (including but not limited to photographs, videos, and audio recordings) created during first team and academy team training sessions, matches, or events is the exclusive property of Wealdstone Football Club.

• Content creators are required to transfer all rights to the Club upon creation. This does not restrict content creators from publishing the content they have created, with the relevant approval from the Club.  


3.2 Approval for Publication

• Any content created must be submitted to the Club’s Media and Content Executive for review and approval before it can be published or distributed.

• The review process will take up to 48 hours, and approval will be granted based on the content’s alignment with the Club’s values and image.


3.3 Usage Restrictions

• Approved content must not be altered or manipulated in a way that misrepresents the Club, its players, staff, or activities.

• The Club reserves the right to request the removal of any published content that it deems inappropriate or damaging to its reputation.


4. Breaches of Policy


4.1 Consequences

• Any breach of this policy will result in the immediate revocation of media access and credentials.

• Further legal action may be taken if the breach involves unauthorised use of content or damage to the Club’s reputation.


4.2 Reporting Breaches

• Suspected breaches of this policy should be reported to the Media and Content Executive immediately.


5. Amendments to Policy

• This policy may be amended from time to time at the discretion of Wealdstone Football Club.

• All media representatives will be notified of any changes to the policy via the Club’s official communication channels.


6. Contact Information

For all media enquiries, approval requests, and submissions, please contact:

Will Beaman, Media and Content Executive, Wealdstone Football Club

07899 175112

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