At a Board Meeting convened on the evening of 15 January 2019, a vote was taken to remove Peter Marsden as Chairman and appoint Rory Fitzgerald as Chairman and Mark Randall as Vice-Chairman, both on an interim basis.
This decision has been taken due to the majority of the current Executive Board absolutely believing that a change of leadership is required in order to move the club forward and give us the best platform to deliver future success.
This decision in no way deflects from the huge investment that Peter has made in the club over the past two and a half years, and this is reflected by him being the largest single shareholder. Peter remains on the Board and is able to play a full and active role in the decision-making process as part of the Board.
This decision has not been taken lightly and has been made only having seemingly exhausted any possibilities of resolving serious concerns with the running of the club.
Further information will be provided when appropriate and any key decisions communicated to supporters.